The Yorktown Volunteer Ambulance Corps is a not for profit, Basic Life Support provider, which has been providing Emergency Medical Service to the town of Yorktown since 1963. YVAC has the distinct honor of being the very first Ambulance Corps in Westchester County to provide 24 hour 7 day a week EMT-I (Intermediate) service.
Our membership is a diverse group of citizens drawn from all walks of life, spanning more than 50 years in age. We are families of one and families of eight, and everything in between. We have grown up and attended schools both locally and internationally. We are certified and licensed in many trades and occupations. Some of us continue to pursue careers or professions…others have retired from one or more careers.
Our interests and skills are many and varied. We are your friends, co-workers, relatives and neighbors, drawn together by a common interest in providing emergency medical service and a strong desire to give a little back to the community in which we reside.
We Appreciate your Donations.
We are a 501(c) 3 non profit and your donation is Tax deductible.
Send payments securely through paypal here:
Or simply mail a check made to Yorktown Volunteer Ambulance Corp.
PO Box 104
Yorktown Hts. NY 10598
For Community Tours & Support – contact Anne at
Call us at 914-245-9822
Have your address properly displayed and visible from the road.
Adequate signage of your address is imperative in reducing our response times. Doing so just may save your life!

» Gift of Life
» Fund Drive
» Loan Closet
» Youth Group